Rindon Johnson
Grand Slammer, 2016
VR experience for Mobile VR
Thinking about bodies // Thinking about this space that art provides (that space with multiple layers where violence and sensuality collide, ambivalently.) // Thinking about how inhabiting that space is not to condone the violence, rather to say objectively (and abjectly) that we too are present in this violence scape, whether we like it or not. // All this to say I'm working on this new VR piece about tennis (among other things).
Rindon Johnson is a multidisciplinary artist and writer. Moving between Virtual Reality and sculpture, Johnson has exhibited and read widely in Europe and the US. Johnson is the author of "Nobody Sleeps Better Than White People" from Inpatient Press, the virtual reality book, "Meet in the Corner" from Publishing-House.Me and “Shade the King” forthcoming from Capricious. Johnson’s writing has appeared in Hyperallergic, Rhizome, The Brooklyn Rail and the Miami Rail. Johnson founded Imperial Matters with Sophia Le Fraga. Somehow, Johnson lives between Brooklyn and Berlin. Most of the time, Johnson lives in Brooklyn.
If you are interested in exhibiting or viewing this artistic VR experience, please send an email to us.